Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Other voices

A recent article in MSW Management magazine presented the work of Marc Rogoff and Ed Hilton of SCS Engineers along with David Thompson of Wastech Services on the subject of ADC's.  The work was done to get answers for Wastech's site in Canada that was facing the end of it's capacity, with the goal of helping them extend their life beyond a 2016 end date. 

The article presents their look at a specific situation that needed an alternative cover - and a review of daily cover options in general - and how to calculate the savings and costsIn the end the determination was that an ADC could save money and add life to this landfill.  What about your landfill?  Are you covering with soil?

Click this link to check out the full article.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


This has been a long summer already and we're only in the first week of August.  Gearing up for Wastecon next week in Maryland it struck me how fast the time has flown this year.  We have passed the half way mark on the year and before we know it the year will be gone.

Budget season is looming before most companies as we approach the fall.  Moving your business forward, making the best choices, investing in what it takes to run a profitable business is important to every manager.  We all need to take a hard look at where we can make our operations more efficient.  We have been privileged for over 20 years now to help landfill managers with an alternate daily cover that can not only save them money and airspace, but also can be there for them when they face erosion, odors, dust, intermediate cover needs with a cost effective tool. 

Thankful for each day!  Let's make them count.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dirt on the bottom line

Next week you have an opportunity to learn from someone who knows about soil's affect on your revenue. Neal Bolton (Blue Ridge Services, Inc.) is offering an online webinar on how soil affects your bottom line.

Neal's expertise can help you determine if there are places that you can reduce soil use and make more money.

Check out his site for more information.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy new customers

It is such a privilege to help provide solutions, a new customer in the Northwest sent this along:

Just wanted to let you know that the Posi Shell is working great for us. We have been using latex paint in the mix since day 2 with no problems. We have had high winds, rain, snow and sun and not a single issue.

It makes the day better knowing.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Dust busting

In the last two weeks we conducted some field testing of Posi-Shell Clear on haul roads in New York, Utah, and Louisiana. The results were promising - in Louisiana where our customer has to water continuously he found a significant reduction - and rewetting of the product did perform as we thought it would.
We will keep you posted on the progress - but are already offering and selling Posi-Shell Clear for application through water trucks or hydroseeding units, so if you have some dust that needs to be knocked down don't hesitate to give us a call.
Check out the photos here - taken in Louisiana... before, later that afternoon, and application process. If you want to know more give us a call.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Nothing is too hard for Posi-Shell

If you have tippers or other hard to cover areas that make the end of the day cover job hard - take a look - Posi-Shell can be easily spray-applied and clean up those problem areas.