Thursday, December 29, 2011

When change is worth the pain, reflections at year's end.

New Year's resolutions, we've all made them. Usually they involve some change we want to make in our life to improve it. Change is never easy, but the resulting improvements provide the reward we need to keep going till we can make that change a habit we can maintain. Stopping to take time to reflect on our personal life is important.

Reflecting and contemplating change for an operation or organization is an even greater challenge and equally important. The manager who reflects on his business, and looks at the big picture, cares just like an individual who is steward of his body. If as a business we want to reach larger goals, have a smoother operation, or make more money it will only happen if we make changes to our operation. It doesn't work to expect different results from the same operation.

Why do we make resolutions to exercise or eat more healthy? We do it because our bodies will run better, we won't be tired and sluggish, we will be able to accomplish more in our days. So it is with a business. Changes won't be without pain, but the end results will be worth it.

What changes do you want to make going into the New Year? Take time this week to consider what it might take to improve your operation, then be willing to overcome the pain it might take to achieve that goal.